Mouth and Dental Health

How to Treat Primary Tooth Decay?

Primary tooth decay is a common condition in children, and if left untreated, it can lead to premature tooth loss, problems with the emergence of permanent teeth, and deterioration in general oral health. In the treatment of primary tooth decay, methods such as fluoride application, filling, stainless steel crown, root canal treatment or tooth extraction can be applied depending on the extent of the decay.

Paying attention to the child’s oral and dental care after the treatment of primary tooth decay ensures that primary teeth remain healthy and forms a healthy basis for permanent teeth. The following methods can be applied to treat primary tooth decay and protect the child’s oral health:

  • Fluoride Application in the Treatment of Primary Tooth Decay

If the cavity is very small and in its early stages, the dentist can stop the progression of the cavity by applying fluoride. Fluoride strengthens tooth enamel and slows the spread of decay. Since this procedure is a painless treatment method, it can be easily applied to children as well.

  • In the Treatment of Milk Tooth Decays; Filling Application

If the decay is advanced but has not reached the root of the tooth, the dentist can clean the decayed area and fill it. When filling for children, special, colorful fillings can be preferred; This may increase the child’s interest in treatment. The filling process protects the tooth and prevents the progression of decay.

  • In the Treatment of Milk Tooth Decays; Stainless Steel Crown (Coating)

If the decay has affected a large part of the primary tooth and the filling will not be sufficient, a stainless steel crown can be applied to protect the tooth. These types of coatings protect the tooth and support chewing functions until the milk tooth falls out. Stainless steel crowns help protect children’s oral health in the long term.

  • In the Treatment of Milk Tooth Decays; Root Canal Treatment

If the decay has progressed to the nerve tissue of the tooth and there are pain and signs of infection in the tooth, root canal treatment can be applied to the baby tooth. In root canal treatment, the infected nerve tissue inside the tooth is cleaned and the tooth is kept in the mouth in a healthy state. This treatment ensures that the primary tooth remains in place until the permanent teeth emerge.

  • In the Treatment of Milk Tooth Decays; Tooth Extraction

If the decay is very advanced and it is not possible to save the tooth, tooth extraction may be necessary. However, premature extraction of baby teeth may affect the proper emergence of permanent teeth. For this reason, special devices called “space maintainers” can be applied to ensure that permanent teeth emerge in the correct position after tooth extraction.

  • Preventive Measures in the Treatment of Primary Tooth Decay

The following habits should be acquired to protect the child’s oral health and prevent caries:

Regular Brushing: The child should be given the habit of brushing his teeth at least twice a day, especially before going to bed. Fluoride toothpastes suitable for children should be preferred.

Reducing Sugary Food Consumption: Consumption of sugary and acidic food and beverages should be limited.

Regular Dentist Checks: The child’s dental health should be checked regularly by the dentist.

Modern, Innovative and Expert Staff

Private FARA Dent Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic, under the brand of Fara Dental Center, Dt. Rabia Varol Boyraz and Dt. It was established under the leadership of Fatma Şahin. Dt., who also works as a Dentist at Fara Dent Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic. Rabia Varol Boyraz  Pedodontics; He serves his patients as a Pediatric Dentist.

It offers services with its innovative approaches to oral and dental health, perfect service approach, expert staff and experienced assistants, and its modern and technological infrastructure located in Pendik Kurtköy, Istanbul.

In our polyclinic, we aim to offer high quality and effective treatments to our patients by adopting the latest technological developments of modern medicine in oral and dental health. In this regard, our polyclinic, equipped with scientific research-based methods and evidence-based treatment options, prioritizes the satisfaction and health of our patients. Contact us for more information and an appointment!